Learning Strategies

a boy in high school looking dejected after getting a D despite holding the illusion of learning

The Illusion of Learning & How to Avoid It

If you want to ace your exams, you must know about and avoid what psychologists call the illusion of learning. Sadly, it is something that even students who spend countless hours studying can fall victim to. Put simply, you fall victim to the illusion of learning when you think you know more than you really do. Yet, if you are like most students, you are not a fool. So why ...

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A high school student happy after improving her results through tutoring

3 Keys to Improving Your Results Through Tutoring

If you are a student of mine (or a potential one), you want to improve your results. Tutoring works, but there are 3 keys to improving your results: You and I both have a role to play in each of these. Understanding My first goal is to help you understand something, whether it be how to use Herson’s rule in trigonometry or the role of the scientific method in psychology. ...

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Thinking Hard Is the Key to Effective Learning

Thinking hard is the key to effective learning (and studying), whether at school, at home or when being tutored. But why? And what does thinking hard actually involve? Why Think Hard? Because of the role memory plays in learning. When you think about something, you leave a memory trace. A memory trace is like a pathway that you can follow to find a particular memory later. But not all pathways ...

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